Tuesday, December 19, 2006

So I Here I Go Again......

Lets talk.........ok I'll do the talking, you just listen. There are two things I hate.....1)Hitler and 2)people on their myspace and facebook that put "I love God and he is my passion.......I love to party." Then they go on and cuss in their profiles....this bothers me! I had to say that. If that offends anyone then good, because it needs to. OK moving on! Well Christmas is almost here and I am excited. I went to a Christmas party with Erin, AKA my girlfriend, and we played the "dirty santa" game with her work. This was played with serious gifts instead of gag gifts. And what did I end up with??.....a Cheese cutting board!! I know! How stupid is that?! But it was fun. So since my iPOD is fixed I have found some music. Wil introduced me to a band called "Starting Tuesday" and "The Working Title" and they both rock! Also check out a band called "Nevertheless". Well I have to do laundry so I'll check up wit cha lata!!!!

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